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Business Name:
Please confirm the name of your business as it appears at Companies House
Companies’ House Registration №: Please check this carefully as it will be used to validate your details.
VAT №:
Business telephone number:
Registered Address: Please confirm your registered office address including your post code.
Trading address: Please advise your trading address including postcode if different to Registered Address.
Director / Owner / Person of Authority Please confirm the name of the person(s) who has the responsibility on behalf of the business to engage the services of FastKlean Ltd.
Contact Name: Person who we need to speak to about the service being provided on a day to day basis.
Mobile Number:
Telephone Number:
Best times to contact:
Preferred method of contact:
Access to premises: Please confirm how the cleaning operative would be accessing the property (keys provided, door fob provided etc)
Entry / Exit Instructions: Please confirm any specific instructions for entering and exiting the premises.
Emergency Contact: Please provide us with a contact in cases of emergencies (preferably a mobile number)
Billing Information: Please confirm your billing address if different to registered address or trading address.
Contact Name: Person we need to speak to within the finance department who is responsible for approving/making payments.
Email Address:
Bank Holidays: Please advise if service should be carried out as normal during Bank Holidays (if applicable).
How many hours do you require per session?
How many days per week do you require the service and which days would be most convenient?
Most Suitable Times for work:
Any Other Instructions: Please advise if there are any further instructions/comments.
I have read and agree with the terms & conditions